Everybody has hopes and dreams. You may face with various difficulties to achieve them, but you are the only one who can control whether they will come true or not. In order to achieve them, we think you need to have the passion and strength of belief to stay focused and maintain effort towards your dreams. In order to encourage people to find the beauty of achieving your dreams, we keep pursuing our “Quest for Excellence”.
Vision / Greater connection and unity through billiards.
Billiards is a mental sport which demands accurate control of your brain, movement, and emotions. It facilitates the improvement of both physical and mental traits. We envision a future where people from all over the world will be more connected and united in a respectable way through the sport aspect of billiards. In order to achieve this goal, we will make KAMUI a more open platform to invite more participants, and encourage deeper engagement, to grow together.
We believe the moment whenever you feel you want to stand up and challenge anything is precious in your life
No matter where you are, we continue to seek the best tool for making the most of your opportunities and possibilities.
We promise we will collaborate with our partners and keep you offering more and more opportunities to grow through cue sports.
Our story
We have made evolution and development ever since KAMUI was born by questing a lot of challenges we are facing at every moment.
Our challenge always comes from pure passion to let more and more players and cue sports fans feel motivated and inspired. We have met many partners and worked hard with them to share the challenge and we will keep developing the playability of KAMUI products to bring out player’s strategy on a table.
The quest for the challenge will never end and we will let all players and fans and partners get inspired more.
当時の市場を占めるビリヤードタップの安定性と再現性に対し、以前より不満を抱いていた創業者の平岡正人が、地元プロが所有していたKAMUIBRANDの全面譲渡を受け本格始動。外部検査機関による徹底した性能試験により新たなKAMUI ORIGINALが誕生。 しかしながら、当時の売り上げ個数は、10~100個/月程度。 そのような中、まずはドイツに海外代理店第1号が誕生。
より多くのプレーヤーにKAMUIタップを届けるべくアメリカの展示会へ。まずは知ってもらうために、名刺やサンプルを渡し一人一人に説き続けたが結果出ず。 知名度向上のための先行投資と業務拡大のため資金不足に陥りながらも、委託製造工場との初期の品質基準を設定し、硬さを3種類(S,M,H)に増やす。 海外代理店は4〜5社に。
認知度向上により売上が対前年比4倍に拡大。さらなるブランド浸透のために、ひたすら収益分の再投資を繰り返す。業務量と在庫が拡大し慢性的な時間と資金不足の中、積層が剥がれる品質不良のクレームが発生。プレーヤーとの信頼関係を最優先に考え、製造履歴から同時期に製造されたタップ6000個(3か月分のリコール)の回収を実施。 海外代理店10社程度に。 KAMUI ORIGINALにSSを加え、硬度ラインナップが4種類に。
認知度とニーズが拡大する中、品質が安定せず伸び悩む。伸び代があるにも関わらず、資金と人員に一定の限界を感じる。そして、“個”から“チーム”へ開放するべくビリヤード事業に特化した株式会社カムイを設立。同時に、委託製造から内製にシフトするために自社工場用地取得。 よりスピン性を高めるためにKAMUI BLACKが誕生。
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6.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Illum praesentium officia, fugit recusandae ipsa, quia velit nulla adipisci? Consequuntur aspernatur at, eaque hic repellendus sit dicta consequatur quae, ut harum ipsam molestias maxime non nisi reiciendis eligendi! Doloremque quia pariatur harum ea amet quibusdam quisquam, quae, temporibus dolores porro doloribus.
7.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Illum praesentium officia, fugit recusandae ipsa, quia velit nulla adipisci? Consequuntur aspernatur at, eaque hic repellendus sit dicta consequatur quae, ut harum ipsam molestias maxime non nisi reiciendis eligendi! Doloremque quia pariatur harum ea amet quibusdam quisquam, quae, temporibus dolores porro doloribus.
8.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Illum praesentium officia, fugit recusandae ipsa, quia velit nulla adipisci? Consequuntur aspernatur at, eaque hic repellendus sit dicta consequatur quae, ut harum ipsam molestias maxime non nisi reiciendis eligendi! Doloremque quia pariatur harum ea amet quibusdam quisquam, quae, temporibus dolores porro doloribus.