There are some steps you can take to protect tomorrow.
Go get regular check-ups and do whatever possible to prevent breast cancer from forming. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. The earlier it is detected the higher the probability of effective treatment. Get screened early and often!
女性のがんの中で一番多いのが乳がんです。 乳がんは早期発見、治療を行う事で助かる確率が高い病気です。定期的に検診を受け、乳がんを未然に防ぎましょう。
Knowing more about the disease prevents the spread of misinformation and leads to better understanding of patients who are fighting for a cure.
乳がんについて知ることにより、誤った解釈を防ぎ、闘病中の患者さんんに対してもより理解を深めることに繋がります。 まずは知ることから始めてみませんか?
What can we do to help? There are many ways to support, such as volunteering, donating, and participating in events. Start with familiar things and go from there!
私たちに何かできることはないでしょうか? ボランティアや寄付、イベントへの参加など支援できる方法は色々あります。 まずは身近なことから始めてみましょう。
We believe that dreams can be realized with a strong mindset and the effort to pursue it. However, even among our closest friends and partners, there are an increasing number of people who lose their dreams because of breast cancer. No one should give up their dreams because of disease. With that feeling we are participating in the Pink Ribbon campaign.
KAMUI Glove Pink (All sizes)
KAMUI Chalk Shark Pink for β
KAMUI Chalk Shark Pink for ROKU
By purchasing this special edition pink product, all proceeds will be donated to Play for P.I.N.K. at the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
この製品の販売における収益の全ては、乳ガン撲滅の研究の為、弊社を通じてPlay for P.I.N.K.の活動を行う乳がん研究基金(BCRF)に寄付されます。